Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Let's Begin!

I've been thinking about blogging for a while now, and was even more intrigued after watching Julie and Julia a couple of weeks ago. What a great movie! I was young when Julia Child was on television, but I remember seeing her occasionally. She was really "bigger than life" and I enjoyed learning more about her. My own life is all about change right now, so I thought that it might be interesting and helpful to try and chronicle it here.

I recently became unemployed after working at a community college for over eight years. Finding a new job here is the same as it is most anywhere right now--difficult at best. So finding a new job is part of the agenda. I'm also trying to complete my thesis for graduate school and finding it difficult to get moving on it. It has to be ready by mid-October and I am still dragging my feet.

Sunday was my 50th birthday. My best attempts at letting it slip by quietly were quashed by the people who love me and thought that I should have a celebration. The party was terrific and I got to spend a lovely evening with people who love me--well, at least like me enough to come by and drink wine with me! We barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs and everyone brought some kind of food--there wasn't a bare space on any counter in my kitchen! I opened and shared the last bottle of 2002 Maryhill Reserve Zinfandel that we have been saving for a special occasion. It was yummy and I got to share it with my favorite winos!

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